Always new beginnings...
Sure, I'm full of half-starts, fitful non-entries into many things, such as blogging. But still I have revisited this thing and think now I might be warming up to a productive approach.
Lots has happened, most significantly the birth of baby Tucker, who has proven to be just an awesome joy and all the worrisome responsibility they told me about. He has served to sort of congeal or solidify some anxieties and needs and wants. I find my self in great need of organizing my existence to, primarily, serve him as best I can and raise him up right. But to do that I need traction in areas, the classical ones including physical, spiritual, professional, relationship, household--all these sectors of development that can't be ignored to feel on-track and successful.
Most of all I want to be happy, and goddamn I usually am! Hallelujah! But I think that happiness is usually born of a well-adjusted equanimity that says "things are cool, I can sit back and let them happen." That's not a bad way of going, not a horrible outlook for getting through this life tour. But I feel mounting urges to do more, to grab more, to think and write and live and experience more, to have more direction and focus in my efforts.
Certainly, the writing can take me in a lot of those directions, but it demands application. I hereby resolve to overcome equanimity and inertia and just, confound it, try harder! At everything! Get the basement cleaned and the rain garden planted. Write an awesome mag article and query it and get it sold. Raise a wise and relaxed kid who is the confidant of his peers. Love my wife well.
In writing this I suggest that the writing of this can be a personal blog of progress, and I envision my entries being categorized, such as: physical fitness, household improvement, child development, professional progress, spiritual awakening.
We'll see how it goes. Best is that it is apparently all for me, and I know I can sit here and do it on a late night, because I have just done it.
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